Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1
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Engineering Decision Making for Current Costs 15

The selection of the feasible alternatives may be the key item, with the rest of the analysis
a methodical process leading to the inevitable decision. We can see that the decision may
be drastically affected, or even predetermined, by the way in which the decision-making
process is carried out. This is illustrated by the following example.

Liz, a young engineer, was assigned to make an analysis of additional equipment needed
for the machine shop. The single criterion for selection was that the equipment should
be the most economical, considering both initial costs and future operating costs. A
little investigation by Liz revealed three practical alternatives:

  1. A new specialized lathe

  2. A new general-purpose lathe

  3. A rebuilt lathe available from a used-equipment dealer
    A preliminary analysis indicated that the rebuilt lathe would be the most economical.
    Liz did not like the idea of buying a rebuilt lathe, so she decided to discard that alter-
    native. She prepared a two-alternative analysis that showed that the general-purpose
    lathe was more economical than the specialized lathe. She presented this completed
    analysis to her manager. The manager assumed that the two alternatives presented were
    the best of all feasible alternatives, and he approved Liz's recommendation.

At this point we should ask: Who was the decision maker, Liz or her n'Ianager? Although the
manager signed his name at the bottom of the economic analysis worksheets to authorize
purchasing the general-purpose lathe, he was merely authorizing what already had been
made inevitable, and thus he was not the decision maker. Rather Liz had made the key
decision when she decided to discard the most economical alternative from further consid-
eration. The result was a decision to buy the better of the twoless economically desirable

  1. Audit the Results
    An audit of the results is a comparison of what happened against the predictions. Do the
    results of a decision analysis reasonably agree with its projections? If a new machine tool
    was purchased to save labor and improve quality, did it? If so, the economic analysis seems
    to be accurate. If the savings are not being obtained, what was overlooked? The audit may
    help ensure that projected operating advantages are ultimately obtained. On the other hand,
    the economic analysis projections may have been unduly optimistic. We want to know this,
    too, so that the mistakes that led to the inaccurate projection are not repeated. Finally, an
    effective way to promoterealisticeconomic analysis calculations is for all people involved
    to know that therewillbe an audit of the results!

Engineering Decision Making for Current Costs

Some of the easiest forms of engineering decision making deal with problems of alternate
designs, methods,ormaterials.If results of the decision occur in a very short period of
time, one can quickly add up the costs and benefits for each alternative. Then, using the
suitable economic criterion, the best alternative can be identified. Three example problems
illustrate these situations.
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