Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1
EngineeringDecisionMaking for Current Costs 17

Since there is only one way to handle first 1.5 million pieces, our problem concerns only the
second half of the order. ..0 '" '... ,

AlternativeA:Continue with Present Method
Material cost
Direct labor cost
Other costs

1,500,000 pieces x 0040 =

1,500,000pieces x 0.15 =
2.50 x direct labor cost=




Cost for remaining 1,500,000 pieces

Alternative B:Change the Manufacturing Method
Additional tooling cost $100,000
Material cost 1,500,000 pieces x 0.34 = 510,000
Directlaborcost 1,500,000pieces x 0.10__ 150,000
Other costs 2.50 x direct labor cost - 375,000

Cost forremaining 1,500,000 pieces $1,135,000

Before making a final decision, one should closely examine theOther coststo see that they
do, in fact, vary as theDirect labor costvaries.Assuming they do, the decision would be to change
the manufacturing method.

In the design of a cold-storage warehouse, the specifications call for a maximum heat transfer
through the warehouse walls of 30,000 joules per hour per square meter of wall when there is a
30°C temperature difference between the inside surface and the outside surface of the insulation.
The two insulation materials being considered are as follows:

Insulation Material
Rock wool
Foamed insulation

Cost per Cubic Meter


The basic equation for heat conduction through a wall is:


where Q=heat transfer, in J/hr/m2 of wall

K= cpnduc,tiyityin J-mlm2_oC.,hr
b.T~ clj.fferencein temperature between the two surfaces, in ~C
L= thickness of insulating material, in meters
Which insulation material should be selected?
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