Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1
Single Payment Compound Interest Formulas 77

Receipts (+)

Fo;:; 800



Disbursements(...c.) n=4
p=? i= 0.05

EtOhl thGcornpoundinterest tables, ~ ~

10;'" - .. J

P f(P I }!i',i,n) ...$800(t'IF, 5%,4)


(P I F,5%, 4) 0.8227

~ P'~"$800(0.8227)~ $658.1'6 ~

Here the problem has an exact answer. In many situations, however, the answer is rounded
off, recognizing that it can be only as acc,urate as the input information on which it is

Suppose the bank changed their interest policy in Example 3-5 to "6% interest, compounded
quarterly." For this situation, how much money would be in the account at the end of 3 years,
assuming a $500 depositnow?

First, we must be certain to understand the meaningo( 6%interest, compoUnded quarterly.''I'h~t;e
are two elements:

6% [pterest: Unless otherwise described,itis customary-to as~umc;that the;dP1teresti~
.for a one-year period.ljthe stated interest is for othetthgn a one-yeatperiod, the fimg
frame must be clgarly statgd.

Compounded quarterlY:Tl1isil1dicat~~ th~reare fgl1rint~rest periods pet y-ear; that is, an
"' rillt~restperiodis.31TIonths IOllg.
We kno~ that the 6% interest is an annual rate because ifit were for a different period, it would
have be9P stated. Since we are dealing with four interest periods per 'year, if foijows that the '"
_~ !..I- - - - - -...-
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