Australia The skeletons of tiny sea creatures.^53 Adelaide Melbourne Hobart Tennant Creek Townsville Rockhampton Broken Hill Que ...
What’s unusual about New Zealand’s kiwi birds? Australia and the Pacific 54 Dunedin Aoraki (Mt. Cook) 3,744 m (12,283 ft) Rugby ...
New Zealand and Pacific They can’t fly.^55 Coconut palms Forests of coconut palms grow along the beaches of the Pacific islands. ...
Who was the first person to reach the South Pole? Antarctica 56 The world’s coldest continent is Antarctica, which is covered in ...
Antarctica The Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, in 1911.^57 Antarctic science The only people who live in Antarctica are scien ...
Which is the only country that doesn’t have a rectangular flag? Flags of the world 58 Flags of the world NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA ...
Flags of the world Nepal.^59 Th ere are (^195) countries in^ the world .^ Each^ has^ its^ own fla g. ASIA Colombia Mauritania Be ...
Which is the second most spoken language in the world? People and society 60 More than six billion people live in the world. The ...
World of people Spanish.^61 Curiosity quiz Look through the People and Society pages and see if you can identify the picture clu ...
What is the Christian holy book called? People and society 62 Hinduism Hinduism began in India about 4,000 years ago. Hindus bel ...
Religious lands The Bible.^63 Islam People who follow Islam are called Muslims. They believe in Allah (God), who guides them thr ...
People and society 64 People honour their God or gods by following their teaching. They may come together for worship and celebr ...
Religious life 65 Judaism Jewish people meet to worship and pray in a special building called a synagogue. A man or woman called ...
What is a typeface? People and society 66 People began to write things down about 5,500 years ago. Before this, they told storie ...
Writing and printing A style of letters... ... used in printing.^67 Printing books At first, books were written out by hand. Thi ...
When was the Sydney Opera House opened? People and society 68 Archi tec tu re can chang e^ th e^ w a y a whole ci ty l o o k s . ...
Art and architecture In 1973.^69 The Taj Mahal The beautiful Taj Mahal in India was built as a tomb for the emperor’s wife. It i ...
What sort of instrument is a xylophone? People and society 70 What is your favourite song or tune? Do you like classical, jazz, ...
Music A percussion instrument.^71 Pop concerts Watching your favourite pop star perform live on stage can be thrilling. Many peo ...
Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”? People and society Theatre began thousands of years ago in ancient Greece. Actors and dan ...
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