Personal Transit Period Love Guidance - 6 Months Forecast

(WallPaper) #1

the person of your dreams doesn't appear first and thereafter you reach your inner balance, but you
will have to reach a given level of maturity first and then will a chance to meet your real mate. This,
evidently, is a concept of philosophical character, but now certainly has a great possibility to become
reality. If you are unbalanced or dissatisfied because you currently don't have anyone, your period of
waiting or loneliness probably will be delayed more. However, you now are going to have very deep
inner experiences and maturation. Without a doubt, these will bring the necessary level so that a
person of great personal quality will be introduced in your life.

Aug 2 2016

Sun Conj Moon



Now your feelings of protection toward your loved ones and your interest in safeguarding your
family securities are very important. You will feel motivated and responsible, and also have great
influence on your family, as you sense that your acts have an important resonance in the people most
dear to you. Thus, you will prove that you have certain leadership or relevancy in your family
environment, and you will become more aware of your attitudes, since you understand that these
affect what is called the "family unit". At the same time, this intensive relationship to the family
environment is reciprocal, since you also receive an important influence from your family. It is a
good time to establish the right balance between your own individuality and the people that are part
of your family.

Don't carry your attachment to your loved ones to the extreme, or be tempted to impose your points
of view on them. Try to stay on the middle ground, which demands important personal efforts from
us, but always brings better results. You will be able to maintain your individuality and your points
of view, but at the same time are open to the suggestions, advice or points of view that your family
could transmit to you. Equally, collaborate actively in all those family chores that are your
responsibility, but don't take on too many family obligations that would be detrimental to other
facets of your personal development.

Now is a good time to reflect on the influence you received from your family throughout life,
observing and stimulating the more positive aspects. If you harbor recollections that generated
susceptibility, fears or small animosities in the past, you will also be able to see the positive
experience that these provided. You will find that a good part of your current level of maturity is due

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