Mathematical Modeling in Finance with Stochastic Processes

(Ben Green) #1


Then add these together,and after some algebra, the total is 1. (Check it
Forp= 1/2 =q, the proof is simpler, since thenpT 0 = 1−(a−T 0 )/a,
andqT 0 = 1−T 0 /a, andpT 0 +qT 0 = 1 easily.

Corollary 2.The expected gain against the infinitely rich adversary isE[G] =
(1−qT 0 )a−T 0.

Proof. In the game against the infinitely rich adversary, the gambler’s ulti-
mate gain (or loss!) is a Bernoulli (two-valued) random variable,G, where
Gassumes the value−T 0 with probabilityqT 0 , and assumes the valuea−T 0
with probabilitypT 0. Thus the expected value is

E[G] = (a−T 0 )pT 0 + (−T 0 )qT 0
=pT 0 a−T 0
= (1−qT 0 )a−T 0.

Now notice that ifq= 1/2 =p, so that we are dealing with a fair game,
thenE[G] = (1−(1−T 0 /a))·a−T 0 = 0. That is, a fair game in the short
run is a fair game in the long run. However, ifp < 1 / 2 < q, so the game is
not fair then our expectation formula says

E[G] =


1 −

(q/p)a− 1


a−T 0


(q/p)T^0 − 1
(q/p)a− 1

a−T 0



[(q/p)T^0 −1]a
[(q/p)a−1]T 0

− 1


T 0

The sequence [(q/p)n−1]/nis an increasing sequence, so

[(q/p)T^0 −1]a
[(q/p)a−1]T 0

− 1


< 0.

Remark.An unfair game in the short run is an unfair game in the long run.

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