PC Magazine - USA (2022-01)

(Antfer) #1

focused on bug-tracking and issue management. How is

Project-management apps are built to accommodate all
kinds of projects, from building a rocket to designing a
website. They give you tools for choosing a start date
and end date for the project, creating milestones your
team needs to hit along the way to stay on track, and
managing all the tasks that need to get done in between.
You could use Redmine to organize and track all the
steps needed to build a rocket, but it might not be the
most convenient tool for this job.

In building a rocket, for example, you might have
information, from architectural drawings to elaborate
math equations. Does Redmine have tools for easily
really. Certainly you could customize Redmine to have
more of the tools you need, but that requires someone
on your team who knows how to do it. Customization
also takes time.

are tools designed to help programmers share and
discuss code, track bugs and issues, and handle feature
requests. The app was built with that software-
development work in mind.

Redmine’s interface doesn’t have much personality or
It’s sparse and almost entirely text-based, but at least
it’s tidy.

You could
Redmine to have
more of the tools
you need, but
that requires
someone on your
team who knows
how to do it.
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