PC Magazine - USA (2022-01)

(Antfer) #1

When you add a new issue or task, you choose whether to classify it as a bug,
feature, or support request. You can add to it a subject (it’s more like a name or
title), description, status, priority, assignee, start date, due date, and estimated
amount of time. If there is a parent taskstream, you can associate it, as well.

followers—people who get updates about the project even though they aren’t
assigned to complete it.

While Redmine doesn’t include a time-tracking widget to record time on task as
you work, it does allow you to enter a raw number indicating how long a task
took to complete. You can compile these numbers into a report to bill clients or
accuracy of time estimates and project predictions.

system. There’s a calendar view, a task list view, and Gantt charts.

Wikis are a big part of Redmine’s appeal. You get a wiki space for each project,
where team members can add notes about the project, keep documentation, or
simply have an ongoing discussion. The app also has spaces for uploading

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