Chapter 1: Camera
As far as your camera goes, the only major requirements are that you will need one that has the
ability to be taken off automatic and also has the ability to exchange lenses.
In other words, if you want great macro or close-up photos, your cell phone won’t do the job! I
don’t care how much you love it and how many hours you spend each day staring at your top of
the line phone, you need a DSLR. (That’s a digital camera with interchangeable lenses, etc.)
BTW - The better the sensor, the easier it will be to get a true macro photograph.
Nikon Vs. Canon
If you already have a decent quality digital camera, I’m sure it is capable of doing the job and
will give you excellent results - so there is no need to go out and buy a new camera. In reality,
the biggest factor in getting macro/close-up photos will be your lenses and attachments. I’m
going to be sacrilegious here and say that most any decent camera will do.
But, if you don’t already have a good camera and are planning to get one, I recommend that you
get either a Nikon or a Canon. They have set the industry standards, are well made, will last a
lifetime and offer all the accessories you will ever need.