Macro Photography

(Steven Felgate) #1

Chapter 4: The Tripod

Using a tripod in your macro/close-up work is tricky... it’s really frustrating trying to position it
so that your subject will be in focus. Millimeters count and you are going to be spending a LOT
of time nudging it forward a hairs’ width... then nudging it back again! Back and forth over and
over. It can be a real pain in the patootie!

Because of this, many photographers try to shoot without one. This is a mistake. Camera shake is
a killer in any sort of photography, but particularly so in macro work.

Using and trying to position a tripod is going to add a whole lot of extra time to your shoot, but
that’s ok. It’s worth it.

If you slow down and take the extra time, you are going to start noticing the fine details that you
would normally have just breezed by... details that are the difference between a great photo -
that you want to hang on the wall - and pushing the delete button.

Not All Tripods Are Created Equal

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