The Genealogy of Y‘shua Matthew 1:1-^17
The Birth of Y‘shua Matthew 1:18- 25
The Visit of the Magi Matthew 2:1- 12
The Escape to Egypt Matthew 2:13-^18
The Return to Nazareth Matthew 2:19-^23
John the Baptist Prepares the Way Matthew 3:1- 12
The Baptism of Y‘shua Matthew 3:13- 17
The Temptation of Y‘shua Matthew 4:1- 11
Y‘shua Begins to Preach Matthew 4:12- 17
The Calling of the First Disciples Matthew 4:18-^22
Y‘shua Heals the Sick Matthew 4:23- 25
The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1- 12
Salt and Light Matthew 5:13-^16
The Fulfilment of the Law Matthew 5:17-^20
Murder Matthew 5:21- 26
Adultery Matthew 5:27- 30
Divorce Matthew 5:31-^32
Oaths Matthew 5:33- 37
An Eye for an Eye Matthew 5:38- 42
Love for Enemies Matthew 5:43-^48
Giving to the Needy Matthew 6:1- 4
Prayer Matthew 6:5- 15
Fasting Matthew 6:16-^18
Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:19- 24
Do Not Worry Matthew 6:25- 34
Judging Others Matthew 7:1-^6
Ask, Seek, Knock Matthew 7:7- 12
The Narrow and Wide Gates Matthew 7:13- 14
A Tree and Its Fruit Matthew 7:15-^23
The Wise and Foolish Builders Matthew 7:24- 29
The Man With Leprosy Matthew 8:1- 4
The Faith of the Centurion Matthew 8:5-^13
Y‘shua Heals Many Matthew 8:14- 17
The Cost of Following Y‘shua Matthew 8:18- 22
Y‘shua Calms the Storm Matthew 8:23-^27
The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men Matthew 8:28- 34
Y‘shua Heals a Paralytic Matthew 9:1- 8
The Calling of Matthew Matthew 9:9-^13
Y‘shua Questioned About Fasting Matthew 9:14- 17
A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman Matthew 9:18- 26
Y‘shua Heals the Blind and Mute Matthew 9:27-^34
The Workers Are Few Matthew 9:35- 38
Y‘shua Sends Out the Twelve Matthew 10:1- 42
Y‘shua and John the Baptist Matthew 11:^1 -^19
Woe on Unrepentant Cities Matthew 11:20-^24
Rest for the Weary Matthew 11:25- 30
Lord of the Sabbath Matthew 12:1-^14
YHWH's Chosen Servant Matthew 12:15-^21
Y‘shua and Beelzebub Matthew 12:22- 37
The Sign of Jonah Matthew 12:38- 45
Y‘shua Mother and Brothers Matthew 12:46- 50
The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1- 23
The Parable of the Weeds Matthew 13:24- 30