Introduction to The Hebraic biography of Y'shua

(Tina Meador) #1

Christianity has been packaged for much of the world with a Western culture. At the same time, much
interpretation of the Word of YHWH is based on the theology of the Western Church whose roots sprang
from Rome, not Jerusalem. And the Western Church has always used Greek rather than the original Hebrew
tools for interpreting the Bible. Thus, it is no wonder that, while the Church is together in believing in the
Messiah, they are widely divided when it comes to doctrines.

The cause of all these doctrinal differences clearly lies in the departure of the Church from her
Jewish origins, which is her only unifying point. The only way to truly have the correct interpretation of
the Word is to return to the culture and Scriptures of the Jews. We need to understand YHWH‘s intention for
Him to be revealed and made known from the Torah and the Jewish culture. Any other sources of
interpretation will definitely turn away from the truth, especially when they are based in paganism—as was
the Western Church. We are wild olive branches that have been grafted into the olive tree; hence we need to
know the nature of this olive tree and to partake of that same nourishing sap that comes from its roots.

"An over-Hellenised, over-Latinised Christianity needs a re-Judaising process to bring it back to its founding
Jewish roots and renew it more in keeping with its own inherent ideals". Edward Flannery, Catholic scholar.

As a result of the drift, YHWH's family is now divided into two kingdoms: Judaism and Christianity. Both have
preserved certain truths of YHWH's Word and both have erred. The day is coming when these two factions
will be united and become one kingdom. Christianity needs to repent for rejecting the Torah (biblical
patriarchy) and return to embrace it, while Judaism needs to repent for rejecting Messiah Y‘shua and turn
their hearts to Him. The people of YHWH are one: one kingdom, one Torah and one Messiah.

Another puts it this way: ―Both Judaism and Christianity have erred in worshipping the God of Israel. BOTH
are guilty. It is not a matter of choosing one over the other. Is today's Judaism biblical? In some cases, it is
and in other cases, it is not. They have preserved some truths and departed from others. Is today's
Christianity biblical? In some cases it is and in some cases, it is not. Christianity has preserved faith and
belief in Y‘shua as Messiah. Judaism has preserved our heritage‖.

Finally, if there is anything inferior about the Jews, it is because they are compared with Y‘shua the Messiah
and not because they are compared with the Christians, for they are in every way more superior than the
Christians (Rom 3:1-2) when it comes to knowing the ways of YHWH. Are the Christians, like the Jews, well
versed with the specifics concerning matters like raising children, marital and holiness standards, family and
community relationships and many other things in life? The answer is no. The Jews were committed the
oracles of YHWH via the Torah. That's why Paul cautioned the Gentile believers not to exalt themselves but
to fear, for what had happened to the Jews may happen to them: rejecting the Truth.

The truth is that Judaism was reformed and reshaped—not removed, but perfected in Y‘shua the Messiah. It
is deception to think that Y‘shua came to do away with Judaism. The Jews missed the mark, ―Y‘shua‖, not
because they were under the Law, but rather because they did not have it in their heart; for Y‘shua told them
that if they had truly obeyed the Law of Moses, they would have known Him. The majority of the Jews
missed Him at the First Coming. Will the majority of the Christians miss Him at the Second Coming? It‘s very


1) Are we willing to see ourselves as part of a Jewish family? (Closely related is the question of our
willingness to view Jerusalem and the land of Israel as our spiritual center).

2) Will we stand by our family, the Jewish people, and resist all attempts to harm or destroy this family?
3) Will we preserve our Jewish identity by studying Hebrew language, literature, and culture?

It is my sincere belief that many of the issues that currently divide brethren are being cleared in this study.
Y‘shua said; “By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another”.
(John 13:35)

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