P182 Deut 19:3 On establishing Six Cities of Refuge.
P183 Num 35:2 Give cities to Levites who've no ancestral land share.
P184 Deut 22:8 Build fence on roof, remove potential hazards from home.
P185 Deut 12:2 On destroying all idolatry and its appurtenances (Deut. 7:5).
P186 Deut 13:17 The law about a city that has become apostate/perverted.
P187 Deut 20:17 On the law about destroying the seven Canaanite nations.
P188L Deut 25:19 On the extinction of the seed of Amalek.
P189L Deut 25:17 On remembering the nefarious deeds of Amalek to Israel.
P190 Deut 20:11- 12 Regulations for wars other than ones commanded in Torah.
P191 Deut 20:2 Cohen for special duties in war; also men unfit return.
P192 Deut 23:14- 15 Prepare place beyond the camp, so to keep sanitary and...
P193 Deut 23:15 ...to include a digging tool among war implements.
P194 Lev 5:23 On a robber to restore the stolen article to its owner.
P195 Deut 15:8 On to give charity to the poor (Lev 25:35-36).
P196 Deut 15:14 On giving gifts to a Hebrew bondman upon his freedom.
P197 Exod 22:24 On lending money to the poor without interest.
P198 Deut 23:21 On lending money to the foreigner with interest.
P199 Deut 24:1 3 On restoring a pledge to its owner if he needs it (Exod 22:25).
P200 Deut 24:15 On paying the worker his wages on time.
P201 Deut 23:25- 26 Employee is allowed to eat the produce he's working in.
P202 Exod 3:5 On helping unload, when necessary, a tired animal.
P203 Deut 22:4 On assisting a man loading his beast with its burden.
P204 Deut 22:1 On lost property that must be returned to its owner (Exod 23:4).
P205 Lev 19:17 On being required to reprove the sinner.
P206 Lev 19:18 On loving your neighbour as yourself.
P207 Deut 10:19 On being commanded to love the convert/proselyte.
P208 Lev 19:36 On the law of accurate weights and measures.
P209 Lev 19:32 On honouring the old (and wise).
P210 Exod 20:12 On honouring parents.
P211 Lev 19:3 On fearing parents.
P212 Gen1:28 On being fruitful and multiplying.
P213 Deut 24:1 On the law of marriage.
P214 Deut 24:5 On bridegroom devotes himself to his wife for one year.
P215 Gen 17:10 On circumcising one's son (Lev 12:3).
P216 Deut 25:5 If a man dies childless his brother marries widow, or...
P217 Deut 25:9 ...releases her/the-widow (Chalitzah).
P218 Deut 22:29 A violator must marry the virgin/maiden he has violated.
P219 Deut 22:18- 19 The defamer of his bride is flogged and may never divorce.
P220 Exod 22:15- 23 On the seducer must be punished according to the law.
P221 Deut 21:11 Captive women treated according to special regulations.
P222 Deut 24:1 The law of divorce, only by means of written document.
P223 Num 5: 15 - 27 Suspected adulteress has to submit to the required test (sotah).
P224 Deut 25:2 On whipping transgressors of certain commandments.
P225 Num 35:25 On exile to city of refuge for unintentional homicide.
P226 Exod 21:20 On beheading transgressors of certain commandments.
P227 Exod 21:16 On strangling transgressors of certain commandments.
P228 Lev 20:14 On burning transgressors of certain commandments.
P229 Deut 22:24 On stoning transgressors of certain commandments.
P230 Deut 21: 22 Hanging after execution, violators of certain commandments.
P231 Deut 21:23 On burial on the same day of execution.