Introduction to The Hebraic biography of Y'shua

(Tina Meador) #1

commanded to tithe of the fruit of the ground. The Bible tells to rest the land on the seventh year. In the Brit
Chadashah (New Covenant), we are told in Rom 8:20-22 that the creation itself is groaning to be delivered.
We are told in 1 Cor 5:17 that we are a new (actually the word is renewed) creation. In the book of Hitgalut
(Revelation) we are told that there is also a new heaven and a new earth to come. I could go on and on, for
YHWH paints many pictures in what He chooses to name things.

These pictures cannot be understood in English or Greek. They must be taken back to their Hebrew
original. The same applies to the Brit Chadashah.

Let me give you a mind-blowing (idiom!) example of how important it is to know the meaning behind a
particular word in Hebrew. Many who read or study the Scriptures tend to skip over the dozens of
genealogies, but YHWH has chosen them to reveal the names of Adam and his children, from Adam to
Noach (Noah) for good reason. As you read B'reshith (Gen) chapter 5 in the English, you would never be
able to pick up the purpose of these names; but YHWH has a definite purpose, and the various
transliterations from the original lose this purpose. In the 5th Chapter beginning at verse 4, it reads in the
English transliteration that Adam begot Seth who begot Enosh who begot Kenan who begot Mahal'alel who
begot Jared who begot Enoch who begot Methu'selah who begot Lamech who begot Noah. Now, what do
these Hebrew names mean?

 Well, Adam means ―man‖,

 Seth means ―appointed‖,

 Enosh means ―mortal‖,

 Kenan means ―sorrow‖,

 Mahal'alel means ―the blessed God‖,

 Jared means ―to come down‖ or ―shall come down‖,

 Enoch means ―teaching‖,

 Methu'selah means ―his death shall bring‖,

 Lamech means ―the despairing‖, and

 Noah means ―comfort or rest‖.

Now, YHWH also chose to reveal these names in this particular order as well. Let's put it all together. MAN
DEATH SHALL BRING THE DESPAIRING COMFORT! WOW!! The Gospel really was preached to Avraham
(Abraham) and way before Avraham. Is this just coincidence? Not at all, interesting, there is no word in
Hebrew for ―coincidence‖.

The reality that we must face is that YHWH's name in the flesh is Y‘shua. The word Iesous and Jesus is a
western attempt to transliterate His given name. Scriptural translators should be in the business of translating
and not transliterating. There is no reason to transliterate His given name, especially when the translation or
meaning must come from the given name. Transliterations most generally confuse and pervert the original
meaning. This can be seen in many foreign cultures today. When Coca Cola is introduced to Japan, they do
not attempt to transliterate the word into their language. Coca Cola, in Japan, is pronounced Coca Cola! Our
Saviour‘s name is Y‘shua, so why not call Him Y‘shua?!


We will be using the Hebrew name Y‘shua, and we will refer to Him as the Messiah (Mashiach in Hebrew)
rather than as Jesus Christ. The reason is twofold. First of all, I wish to maintain a Hebrew flavour in this
study so that you, the student, begin to get the feel of the Hebrewness of our Saviour and of the Scriptures.
Second, we have all heard the words ―Jesus Christ‖ used so often as a name that many probably believe
that ̳Christ‘ is a surname rather that a title.

The Jewishness of Y‟shua

Y‘shua grew up in a Jewish home. Both His stepfather, Yoseif (Yoh-safe = Joseph) and His mother Miriam
(Meer-ree-ahm = Mary) were Jewish by birth. This is evident from the genealogical lists for Yoseif (found in
Matthew 1:1-17) and Miriam (found in Luke 3:23-38). In addition, the Scriptures speak plainly about which
tribe Y‘shua was from:

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