Arm. - Armoric, Corn. - Cornish, Eng. - English, Fr. - French, Ir. - Irish, Hiberno-Celtic and Gaelic, It. - Italian
L. - Latin, Port. - Portuguese, Russ. - Russian, Sax. - Saxon or Anglo-Saxon, Sp. - Spanish, W. - Welsh.
The information in the "Origins of Name" column comes from Noah Webster's original 1828 American
Dictionary of the English Language.
Name of
God or
Origins of Name
Roman god
Ir. gionbhar or gionvar; Russ. genvar; Fr. janvier; It. gennaio; Sp. enero;
Port. janeiro; L. januarius. It is evident from the Irish and Russian words, that
the first syllable of January is from the root of L. geno, to beget, Eng. to
begin, Sax. aginnan. Var is said to signify a revolution. January then signifies
the beginning, or first month. Janus is probably from the same root. The first
month of the year, according to the present computation. At the foundation
of Rome, March was considered the first month. January and February were
introduced by Numa Pompilius.
L. Februarius; Fr. Fevrier; It. Febbraio; Sp. Febrero; Arm. Fevrer; Port.
Fevereiro; Ir. Feabhra; Russ. Phebral. The Latin word is said to be named
from februo, to purify by sacrifice, and thus to signify the month of
purification; as the people were, in this month, purified by sacrifices and
oblations. The word februo is said to be a Sabine word, connected with
ferveo, ferbeo, to boil, as boiling was used in purifications.
This practice bears a resemblance to that of making atonement among the
Jews; but the connection between ferveo and February is doubtful.
The name of the second month of the year.
Roman god
L. Mars, the god of war. The third month of the year.
L. aprilis; Fr. avril; Sp. abril; Ir. abrail; Corn. ebril; W. ebrill.
The fourth month of the year.
L. Maius; Fr. Mai; It. Maggio; Sp. Mayo. The fifth month of the year,
beginning with January, but the third beginning with March, as was the
ancient practice of the Romans.
Roman god
L. junius; Fr. juin; It. giugno; Sp. junio. The sixth month of the year, when the
sun enters the sign Cancer.
The seventh month of the year, during which the sun enters the sign Leo. It
is so called from Julius, the surname of Caius Cesar, who was born in this
month. Before that time, this month was called Quintilis, or the fifth month,
according to the old Roman calendar, in which March was the first month of
the year.
L. augustus. The first sylable of this word is probably from the root of augeo,
or of awe. The eighth month of the year, containing thirty-one days. The old
Roman name was Sextilis, the sixth month from March, the month in which
the primitive Romans, as well as Jews, began the year. The name was
changed to August in honor of the Emperor Octavius Augustus, on account
of his victories, and his entering on his first consulate in that month.
L. from septem, seven; Fr. septembre; It. settembre; Sp. septiembre.
The seventh month from March, which was formerly the first month of the
year. September is now the ninth month of the year.
L. from octo, eighth; the eighth month of the primitive Roman year which
began in March. The tenth month of the year in our calendar, which follows
that of Numa and Julius Cesar.
L. from novem, nine; the ninth month, according to the ancient Roman year,
beginning in March. The eleventh month of the year.
L. december, from decem, ten; this being the tenth month among the early
Romans, who began the year in March. The last month in the year, in which
the sun enters the tropic of Capricorn, and makes the winter solstice.
What is a Hebrew year and when does it start?
A year in the sacred calendar begins in Israel's spring (March/April in the Northern Hemisphere) and is the
time between one spring season and the next. When the sacred calendar is printed in advance, the new