Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
194 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

quences of nutrient paucity. The resulting stress on our system can

be toxic.

Obviously, there are complicated emotional and psychological
factors that make it more difficult for some to achieve success at
overcoming food addiction. Additionally, some physical changes may
initially discourage you. Stopping caffeine, reducing sodium, and drop-
ping saturated fat from your diet while increasing fiber and nutrients
may result in increased gas, headaches, fatigue, and other withdrawal
symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms are temporary and rarely
last longer than one week. Eventually the high volume of food and
high nutrient content will help prevent long-term food cravings.

The large quantity of food permitted and encouraged on this pro-
gram makes you less stressed about overeating. Food cravings and
addictive symptoms end for almost everyone because this diet satis-
fies a person's desire to eat more food.
Halting stimulating behavior such as overeating unmasks the fa-
tigue that was always there. The power reserve in a battery is pro-
portional to its use. The less we use it, the more life it has and the
stronger it remains. Likewise, when there is continual stress on your
body from stimulating foods and caffeine, it gives the false sensation
that we have energy, when actually we are using up our nerve energy
faster. This ages us. The fatigue is hidden by the stimulating (aging-
inducing) effects of sugar, caffeine, and toxic protein load. Now that
you are eating in a health-supporting manner, you may be in better
touch with the sleep your body needs, and sleep better as a result.

Some cravings and food behaviors have emotional overtones
from childhood or compensate for stress and emotional dysfunction.
Some food-addicted people eat compulsively in spite of their aware-
ness of the consequences. These people need a more intensive program
than a book can provide. Similar to a twelve-week drug-rehabilitation
program, an intensive food recovery program should include coun-
seling. Food re-education can work even for the most difficult cases.
Please contact me if you require such a program to guarantee your
success. You no longer have an excuse to fail; all you need is the com-

This program is not for everybody, because added to the desire
lose weight must be the willingness to make a commitment to
achieve wellness. Once that commitment is made, however, there need
not be any failures; with proper support and this program, everyone
can succeed.

Go for it.
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