Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1


Sculpting Our Future in the Kitchen



he following menus and recipes are examples of diets and dishes
rich in nutrients and fiber, consistent with the basic principles of
healthful eating. They include most of my favorite recipes. I eat a
quick and easy-to-prepare diet and I eat simply. Most days I eat fruit
and nuts for breakfast, and something fast and quick for lunch, such
as a salad with a box of frozen broccoli, frozen peas or beans on top,
with a light dressing, and a few fruits. Conveniently, it is easy to find
a can of vegetable or bean soup and prewashed salad at the health-
food store in my area. I can eat healthfully with little work or effort.
Likewise, I have tried to make these menus simple. However, you
can modify these menus significantly and use your own recipes as
long as you obey the guidelines outlined in the previous chapter. The
foods or recipes can be switched around and eaten in different com-
binations or at different meals.

Fourteen days of menu plans and exciting recipes follow. Keep in
mind that in the real world you would not make all these different
dishes and recipes each week. Most of us make a soup or a main dish
and use the leftovers for lunch or even dinner the next day. Remem-
ber: you must rethink what you consider a normal portion. Your for-
mer side dishes (such as salads, soups, and vegetables) now become
'he main dishes, and your portion sizes of these lower-calorie foods
are now much larger. It is almost impossible to eat too much food, only
too much of the wrong food. Make your life simple. Enjoy food, but
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