Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
208 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Mix everything in a large pot with 6 cups of water, bring to boil, and

simmer over low flame for 2 hours.

Variation: Use chicken broth instead of water and/or add 2 oz. chicken, diced


2 lbs. offresh or frozen broccoli, chopped into large pieces
1 large onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tbsp. dried vegetable soup mix (such as Vogue Vege Base)
1/3 cup brown rice (uncooked)
3 red bell peppers
1 lemon, juiced
1 tbsp. vinegar
seasonings, to taste

In a large soup pot, combine the broccoli, onion, garlic, water, Vege
Base, and rice in 2 quarts of water. Simmer, covered, over a very low
flame. Roast the red peppers in a broiler or on a gas grill until all sides
begin to blacken. Quarter and remove the peel and seeds from the
peppers, then puree them in a blender with the softened broccoli
with some of the soup liquid. Add puree back to the pot. Add the
lemon, vinegar, and seasonings to taste (e.g., tarragon, thyme, white
or black pepper).



Making this soup involves more time and effort than the other
recipes, so you might want to make a huge amount and save it in the
refrigerator for the whole week. It tastes so good that a patient of
mine who owns a fine restaurant offers it on his menu.

1 cup dried split peas and/or beans
4 medium onions
6-10 zucchini
3 stalks leek
5 lbs. carrots
2 bunches celery
1 cup raw cashews
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