Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
226 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

contain extra plant-derived phytochcmicals. Look for this type of

multiple. My office or website can suggest appropriate brands.

Another concern is the current popularity of high-dose vitamin
C. Researchers at the University of California found that men who
took 500 mg of vitamin C daily had arterial walls 2.5 times thicker
than men who did not take the supplement.' Arterial thickening in-

creases the risk of hypertension and heart disease. Keep in mind that

this is only one study. Hundreds of others have shown benefits of
supplemental vitamin C (for those on the vitamin C-deficient diet
that the vast majority of Americans eat). So other studies are needed
to confirm these findings. However, the diets I recommend are rich
in vitamin C, containing 500 mg from food, not supplements. There
are only positive effects when vitamin C comes from food in lieu of

Some nutritional immunologists believe that nutrient supple-
mentation beyond what can be obtained from the diet is necessary to
optimize immune function, especially in the elderly.^4 A few others
argue that consuming too much of certain nutrients and dietary ex-
cess of some substances may have a detrimental effect on the ab-
sorption and utilization of other substances, as seems to be the case
with vitamin A and beta-carotene. You should also avoid using iron
supplements on a regular basis. There is no evidence that other nu-
trients, in the dosages found in ordinary multivitamin/multimineral
preparations, would be harmful.

However, a crucial point that cannot be emphasized enough is
that supplements are no substitute for a healthy diet. To the extent
they offer some people the confidence to eat less wholesome vegeta-
tion, they are hurtful, not helpful.

Could restricting my intake of animal products
or eating a strict vegetarian diet cause me to develop vitamin

A strict vegetarian diet is deficient in meeting the vitamin B 12 needs
of some individuals. If you choose to follow a complete vegetarian
(vegan) diet, it is imperative that you consume a multivitamin or
other source of B 12 , such as fortified soymilk. My vegetarian menu
plans and dietary suggestions are otherwise rich in calcium and con-
tain sufficient iron from green vegetables and beans. They contain
adequate protein and are extremely nutrient-dense.
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