Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
232 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Structured coaching: Some individuals do better when another

person tracks their results and provides encouragement. Some people

maximize success with a variety of aids, including regular visits to a

physician, dietitian, or psychologist. When patients see me each

month, we review what has been achieved and what will be necessary

to achieve the goal for the following month. Improvements in blood

pressure, weight, lipid levels, liver function, and diabetic parameters

are all helpful to keep people focused on achieving their goals. If you

are on medication, it will be necessary to visit your physician regu-

larly to adjust the dose and potentially discontinue those medica-

tions that you will no longer need as you lose weight. You can also

ask your physician to read this book and work with you, supporting
you as you earn your way back to total wellness.

In-patient facilities or health retreats: If you do not succeed, or
are not able to do so on your own, you are not a failure. Some indi-
viduals require a structured environment to get them started on the
road to success. For others it is imperative for their health that they
succeed at taking weight off relatively quickly. If you are committed
to success, there is no reason why you should be satisfied with any-
thing less than spectacular results in your health, wellness, and
physique. Some individuals may require an initial period of supervi-
sion that offers a more disciplined and structured program whereby
all the food is prepared.

These guests are soon reeducated to proper eating and learn to
adjust to the changes that must be made. They can taste many differ-
ent ways to prepare healthy food and learn healthy food preparation.
There are live-in health spa facilities that adhere to these principles
and cater to those who need guaranteed weight loss. You can view
information about such facilities on my website,,
or contact me (800-474-WELL) if you are in need of such a facility.

Is a vegetarian or vegan diet healthier than a diet that contains a
small amount of animal products?

I do not know for sure. A preponderance of the evidence suggests
that either a near vegetarian diet or a vegetarian diet is the best. In
the massive China-Cornell-Oxford Project, reduction in cancer rates
continued to be observed as participants reduced their animal-food
consumption all the way down to one serving per week. Below this
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