Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Eat to Live 233

level there is not enough data available. Some smaller studies suggest

that some fish added to a vegetarian diet provides benefit, which is
likely a result of the increased DHA fat from fish.^11 This same benefit
most likely could be achieved on a strict vegetarian diet by including

ground flaxseed and nuts that contain omega-3, such as walnuts. If

you want to get the benefit from the additional DHA contained in
fish yet remain on a strict vegetarian diet, you can take plant-derived

Whether or not you are a stria vegetarian, your diet still must be
plant-predominant for optimal health and to maximally reduce
cancer risk. A vegetarian or vegan diet may be healthy or unhealthy,
depending on food choices, but a diet similar to the one most Amer-
icans consume — i.e., one containing a significant quantity of ani-
mal products — cannot be made healthful. For those not willing to
give them up, animal products should be limited to twelve ounces or
less per week. Otherwise, the risk of disease increases considerably.
Many of my patients choose to eat only vegan foods in their home
and eat animal products only as a treat once a week or so when they
are out.

Is a high-nutrient, low-calorie diet the best one for everyone?

I do not recommend the same diet for everyone, but the H = N/C for-
mula never changes. On very rare occasions I come across an indi-
vidual who requires some modification to this diet. There are some
illnesses, such as active inflammatory-bowel disease, for which this
diet would have to be adjusted because the patient may not tolerate
a large amount of raw vegetables and fruit. I do adjust and customize
eating plans and nutritional supplements for individuals with unique
medical and metabolic needs. If you are one such person, or if you
need a healthful way to gain weight, I would hope you would con-
tact me, or another physician with expertise in this area, for more
specific advice.

I don't drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Is that bad?

Only those eating an American-style diet, so high in salt and so low
in the high-water-content fruits and vegetables, need to drink that
much water. On my fiber- and fluid-rich diet, your need for extra
water decreases. Three glasses a day is usually sufficient; but if you
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