Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Eat to Live 247

you may find, as others have, that it is not as difficult as you thought,

and you will likely grow to enjoy it.

Do you think everyone will eventually embrace this way of eating?

No. The social and economic forces that are pulling our population
toward obesity and disease will not be defeated by one book preach-
ing about achieving superior health with nutritional excellence. The
"good life" will continue to bring most Americans to a premature
grave. This plan is not for everyone. I do not expect the majority of
individuals to live this healthfully. However, they should at least
make that decision by being aware of the facts rather than having
their food choices shaped by inaccurate information or the food
manufacturers. Some people will choose to smoke cigarettes, eat un-
healthfully, or pursue other reckless habits. They have that inalien-
able right to live their lives the way they choose. Don't add stress to

your life by trying to persuade every person you meet to eat the same

way you do. Looking good and feeling healthy will still be your best
tools of persuasion, without working to convince others.

A common criticism of my eating plan, which all knowledgeable
authorities agree is healthy, is that most people won't stick to such
restrictive recommendations. This is an irrelevant point. Since when
is what the "masses" find socially acceptable the criterion for value?
Value or correctness is independent of how many will choose to fol-
low such recommendations; that is a separate issue. The critical
question is how effective these recommendations are to guarantee a
slim body, long life, and enduring health. All those naysayers have
missed the point; the recommendations were not designed to win a
popularity contest.

Thousands of enthusiastic individuals who have benefited from
this body of knowledge consider this information a special blessing.
It is an opportunity that you can put to use to have your life be so
much healthier, happier, and enjoyable. We don't feel deprived;
rather, we enjoy fantastic-tasting food that is also healthy. We have
developed a distaste for "junk food." At this point in our lives,
healthy food simply tastes better. Another question is. How enjoy-
able is life for those plagued with a multitude of serious medical

Choosing to live a healthful or unhealthful lifestyle is a personal
decision, but this is not an all-or-nothing plan. As a health profes-
sional, it is my job to encourage people to protect their future health.
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