292 Index
vegetables {continued)
raw, 43, 45. 74, 82, 177, 197
salad. 61-62, 177. 182
shopping list lor, 197-98
soup, 197-98
starchy. 179-80. 182-83. 196
stir-lrying, 196
Sec also plant foods
vegetarian diet. 128
adjustment to, 243-45
and aging, 84
"anti-atherogenic." 150
cancer risk reduced by, 81, 173
deficiencies in. 75, 124
vitamin deficiency. 226-27
girls on, 79
heart disease or diabetes avoided or
reversed by. 75, 103, 147. 196
and life span. 76
meal plans (7 days), 199-202
misrepresented, 102-3
vs. near-vegetarian diet, 232-33
Organic Gourmet. Ginny's, 198
and protein content. 137
Vigilante, Kevin, 42, 43, 44
vitamins, 74
in broccoli vs. steak. 61
drug interference with absorption ol,
multivitamins, 225-26. 227
vitamin A, risk in consuming, 55, 56,
- 225-26, 237
vitamin B|2 deficiency, 226-27
vitamin C
lost in cooking. 43
in processed orange juice, 35
RDA for, 141
studies of. 226
vitamin D deficiency. 227
vitamin E. 131
lost in processed food, 32. 36
in olive oil, 45
vitamin K. source of. 88
Vita-Mix machine, 209
Vogue Vege Base Soup Mix. 198, 241
Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan. The (Rolls
and Barnett). 113
Wageningan Agricultural University
(Netherlands), 41
Walford, Roy, 113
water consumption. 233-34
weight, body
and breast cancer, 78
and common disorders. 144
and diabetes, 158-61
ideal. 23
and insulin. 103
and mortality rate, 21
See also fat, body; obesity
weight, food portion, and nutrient
analysis, 63, 65
weight gain (where desired), 235
weight-guideline charts, 21
weight loss
and blood pressure, 157
drugs for, 228
exercise and, x, 229
formula for (H=N/C), 7
goals in, 231
speed of, 192
strategies for success. 230-32
unrefined carbohydrates and. 116-17
weight-loss programs. See diet plans
weight-reduction surgery, 16-17
Weight Watchers foods, 114
Wendy's, 134
Wheat Thins. 133
white bread or Hour, 31-32, 33-34, 44,
48, 163
nutrient density of, 121
wholegrains, 37. 121, 179-80. 182
whole wheat and whole wheat bread,
37, 198
Willett, Walter C, 32, 41, 56-57
withdrawal symptoms, 194, 241-44
from calfeine, 24. 242
"hunger," 165-67
age of menarche. 78-79
and bone fractures. 84
and breast cancer, 79. 81, 82
World Health Organization (WHO). 52.
72, 78, 139
World War II, 140
Wright State University School of Medi-
cine, 43
xenical (orlistat), 228
zeaxanthin. 121
amount in foods (table). 122
Zone. The (Sears), 92-105