Eat to Live 33
the risk of death from heart disease in those eating refined grains."
Summarizing fifteen epidemiological studies, researchers concluded
that diets containing refined grains and refined sweets were consis-
tently linked to stomach and colon cancer, and at least twelve breast
cancer studies connect low-fiber diets with increased risks.^12 Eating a
diet that contains a significant quantity of sugar and refined flour
does not just cause weight gain, it also leads to an earlier death.
If you want to lose weight, the most important foods to avoid arc
processed foods: condiments, candy, snacks, and baked goods; fat-
free has nothing to do with it. Almost all weight-loss authorities
agree on this — you must cut out the refined carbohydrates, includ-
ing bagels, pasta, and bread. As far as the human body is concerned,
low-fiber carbohydrates such as pasta are almost as damaging as
white sugar. Pasta is not health food — it is hurt food.
Now I can imagine what many of you are thinking: "But, Dr.
Fuhrman! I love pasta. Do I have to give it up?" I enjoy eating pasta,
too. Pasta can sometimes be used in small quantities in a recipe that
includes lots of green vegetables, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes.
Whole-grain pastas and bean pastas found in health-food stores are
better choices than those made from white flour. See chapter nine
for tasty ideas. The point to remember is that all refined grains must
be placed in that limited category — foods that should constitute
only a small percentage of our total caloric intake.
What about bagels? Is the "whole-wheat" bagel you just bought
at the bagel store really made from whole grain? No; in most cases, it
is primarily white flour. It is hard to tell sometimes. Ninety-nine per-
cent of pastas, breads, cookies, pretzels, and other grain products are
made from white flour. Sometimes a little whole wheat or caramel
color is added and the product is called whole wheat to make you
think it is the real thing. It isn't. Most brown bread is merely white
bread with a fake tan. Wheat grown on American soil is not a nutrient-
Refined Foods Are Linked To
- Oral cavity cancer • Thyroid cancer
- Respiratory tract cancer
- Diabetes
- Gallbladder disease
- Heart disease'^3
- Stomach cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Intestinal cancer
- Breast cancer