Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
66 Joel Fuhrman. M.D.

Since early childhood we have been bombarded with incorrect

nutritional dietary advice, and unfortunately the scandal continues

today. Even after decades of scientific research refuting its recom-

mendations, the latest USDA recommendation — the Food Guide

Pyramid — is only a slight improvement; it still reinforces the dietary

errors that people have become accustomed to making.

The food pyramid includes a level of animal food consumption
(four to six servings daily) that causes the diseases that kill us: heart

attacks and cancer. It suggests we should consume a huge quantity of

low-nutrient-content foods such as refined cereals, white bread, and


Foods are grouped in ways that don't make sense anymore. Meat,

beans, and nuts are all in the same food group because they are con-

sidered protein-rich foods. However, while nuts and beans have

been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and heart-disease risk, meat

is linked to increased risk. The pyramid offers little help for those
really wanting to reduce their health risks.

A Food Pyramid that Will Turn You into a Mummy

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