Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Eat to Live 67

In light of all the scientific data available, the USDA's recommen-

dations are a disgrace. Our government suggests that people con-

sume five measly servings of fruits and vegetables daily (and even

apple juice is considered a serving). The data is overwhelming and

conclusive; this dietary recommendation does not allow for enough

vegetation to afford people true protection against the killer diseases

now epidemic in modern society. Two studies from Harvard Medical

School actually put the USDA guidelines to the test in 51,000 men

and 67,000 women, and both studies concluded that adherence to

these guidelines had no effect on cancer risk.^23 Much higher levels of

produce intake are required for significant protection. When intake

is truly high, the protection afforded is striking.^24

After many years of our population being advised to increase its

consumption of produce, half of all Americans still don't eat three

vegetable servings a day. That total even includes those heart-attack -

causing foods that are fried in trans fats — french fries and potato

chips. On any given day, no fruit whatsoever passes the lips of half of

all Americans.

In 1998 the National Cancer Institute budgeted a million dollars

to promote the virtues of fruits and vegetables. Compare that with

McDonald's 500 million dollars spent on TV ads alone. The major
cause of all diseases afflicting Americans today is a produce-deficient


Based on an exhaustive look at research data from around the
world over the past fifteen years, my recommendation is that your
diet should contain over 90 percent of calories from unrefined plant
foods. This high percentage of nutrient-dense plant foods in the diet
allows us to predict freedom from cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, and
excess body weight. Fruits, vegetables, and beans must be the base of
your food pyramid; otherwise, you will be in a heap of trouble down
the road.

The diseases that afflict, and eventually kill, almost all Americans
can be avoided. You can live a high-quality, disease-free life and re-
main physically active and healthy. You can die peacefully and un-
eventfully at an old age, as nature intended.

To achieve the results in preventing and reversing disease, and
attaining permanent healthy body weight, we must be concerned
with the nutritional quality of our diet.
The picture is becoming crystal clear — the key to what will
make you thin will also make you healthy. Once you learn to "eat to
live," thinness and health will walk hand in hand, happily ever after.
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