AV The Holy Bible, 1611 (Authorized Version)
BL The British Library
Carey John Carey, ed., John Milton: Complete Shorter Poems
CSPD Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series
Chronology Gordon Campbell, A Milton Chronology
CM The Works of John Milton, ed. Frank A. Patterson, et al.
CPW Complete Prose Works of John Milton, ed. Don M. Wolfe, et al.
DNB Dictionary of National Biography
EL The Early Lives of Milton, ed. Helen Darbishire
Fletcher Harris Francis Fletcher, The Intellectual Development of John
Fowler Alastair Fowler, ed., John Milton: Paradise Lost
Hughes Merritt Y. Hughes, ed., John Milton: Complete Poems and Major
Hill Christopher Hill, Milton and the English Revolution
LR J. Milton French, ed., The Life Records of John Milton
Masson David Masson, The Life of John Milton: Narrated in Connexion
with the Political, Ecclesiastical and Literary History of His Time
ME A Milton Encyclopedia, ed. William B. Hunter, et al.
MQ Milton Quarterly, ed. Roy C. Flannagan, et al.
MS Milton Studies, ed. James D. Simmonds and Albert C. Labriola
Parker William Riley Parker, Milton: A Biography
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association
Poems, 1645 Poems of Mr. John Milton, 1645
Poems, 1673 Poems, etc. Upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton, 1673
PRO Public Record Office
SP State Papers, Domestic Series