Healing After Loss

(coco) #1

us better than an extended discussion.
I am grateful to many people for making this book pos-
sible—to the family and friends who upheld me when I was
most vulnerable; to the spiritual and religious communities
who love me and remind me of who I am, who I have chosen
to be.
And in particular, now, my thanks to my editor, Lisa
Considine, who first approached me about taking on this
project; and to the hundreds of people whose words—in
chance conversation, in letters, or through the printed
page—form the flash points for these meditations. To ac-
quaint, or reacquaint, myself with these sages has been a
rich adventure for me. And I hope that, together, we will be
able to help those who grieve to move with resoluteness and
courage and with trust in a gathering light on the long road
to recovery and reclamation of life.

Nashville, Tennessee
August, 1994
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