Healing After Loss

(coco) #1


If God is, He is everywhere present. He is not an occasional
visitor, nor ever more truly present than at this very instant.
He is always ready to flow into our heart; indeed, He is there
now—it is we who are absent.

Can we believe that God is present to us in our sorrow? Is
with us, as close companion? And wants to be known to us,
and wants our peace? And holds our loved one in tender
Maybe such a journey of faith is a bit like walking toward
home in the dark. There is no light to see by, but we grope
our way in this familiar yet unfamiliar world, turning where
we know the road turns, moving toward what we know
must be there. Though we can’t see ahead, the ground be-
neath our feet feels right, and as we approach a door that
surely must be there, someone inside, someone we love,
turns on the light to welcome us home.

When I am feeling alone and cut off from all sources of support, I
will “try on for size” the possibility that God is with me, and will
see me through.

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