Healing After Loss

(coco) #1


Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.

Change is the order of life, yet how we resist it.
Sometimes, looking back, we see that only by letting go
were we able to move on to new adventures, new insights
and satisfactions.
A widow who had lived in her husband’s shadow, doing
the dutiful wife-and-mother things, emerged after his death
as a featured speaker at many church and civic gatherings.
She said to me once, “Isn’t it a shame I had to wait until he
died before I began to come into my own?”
We live our lives in chapters. What was right for her in
the early years of her marriage was obviously not suitable
in her later years. Nor would she have wanted to consign
home and children to someone else’s care when her children
were small.
There is some consolation in knowing that change, even
difficult change, brings surprising gifts. Though the thought
may be unappealing to us now, let’s not shut the door too
soon on something good that could be waiting for us in the
next room.

I will keep my eyes open. Something surprising and good may
happen tomorrow—or the day after.

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