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Coping strategies of adult rape victims refers to the
ways in which rape victims respond to an assault. Most
of this research focuses on female victims because most
sexual assault victims are women. Although the term
copingimplies that someone is adjusting well, coping
strategies can actually be either helpful or unhelpful.
Less helpful strategies include avoiding dealing with
the assault, withdrawing from others, using drugs and
alcohol to self-medicate, blaming one’s self, and focus-
ing on the past and on why the assault occurred. Among
the more helpful strategies reported are seeing the
assault in a more positive light, relying on one’s reli-
gious beliefs, and focusing on what currently is control-
lable. Disclosing the assault can lead to either positive
or negative reactions from others. Positive reactions are
more common, although negative reactions have a
greater impact.
Knowledge about the strategies victims use to deal
with an assault is relevant to several kinds of profes-
sionals who work with victims. For example, knowl-
edge about which strategies have been helpful or
unhelpful is useful to those who provide direct ser-
vices to victims (e.g., psychologists, social workers,
advocates). This information also might be used by a
psychological expert in a sexual assault case to help
explain the effects of the rape on a victim to a judge
or jury. It is important, however, to keep in mind that
most rapes are not reported and, of those that are
reported, many are not charged and few go to trial.

Specific Coping Strategies
In the general research literature on coping, nine
primary forms of coping have been identified: cogni-
tive restructuring, problem solving, support seeking,

distraction, avoidance, social withdrawal, emotional
regulation/expressing emotions, rumination, and help-
lessness. Several studies have assessed the frequency
with which rape victims use these strategies and the
relationship between the use of the strategy and the
postrape symptoms of distress. Typical symptoms of
distress among rape victims include those associated
with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depres-
sion, and anxiety. Of the studies that have assessed
one of these forms of coping among rape victims,
avoidance and social withdrawal are generally associ-
ated with greater distress. Avoidance involves trying
not to think about or deal with the assault (e.g., trying
to block it out), and social withdrawal, of course,
involves withdrawing from others. The strategies
associated with better adjustment fall mainly within
the category of cognitive restructuring, which refers to
trying to see the assault in a different or more positive
light. Although this might seem unlikely, many vic-
tims do actually report positive changes in their lives
following an assault, such as that they appreciate life
more. Teaching coping skills such as cognitive
restructuring also has been found to reduce symptoms
in experimental studies. The results of studies assess-
ing emotional regulation/expressing emotions are
mixed, partly because of methodological problems
with the studies. However, the general research litera-
ture on coping suggests that expressing emotions is
associated with better adjustment. Another coping
strategy not included in this categorization scheme is
religious coping, which generally is associated with
lower distress levels among victims.
Another way in which victims may try to cope with
the assault is by drinking or using drugs. Several
studies indicate that victims report more alcohol and
drug abuse and dependence than do nonvictims.
Because drinking and drug use are risk factors for sex-
ual assault, it is important to try to determine if the
substance use came before or after the assault. Studies
that attempt to assess the timing of the substance
abuse relative to the sexual assault generally indicate
that the substance abuse started after the assault.
Alcohol and drug use by victims is related to higher
distress levels; thus, victims may be using substances
to self-medicate their distress.

Social Support
Although support seeking is considered one of the pri-
mary forms of coping, research on support processes in

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