A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice

(Tuis.) #1

Organizational development,

change and transformation

This chapter starts with a definition and critical review of the overall concept of orga-
nizational development (OD). Approaches to change management are then exam-
ined. These have sometimes been treated as an aspect of organizational development,
but in fact they are used in any organization that is concerned with the effective intro-
duction of changed structures, policies or practices. They therefore exist in their own
right. The chapter continues with a discussion of organizational transformation prin-
ciples and practice which are an extension of change management methodology into
comprehensive programmes for managing fundamental changes to the culture and
operations of an organization. The final section of the chapter deals with specific
approaches to organizational development or change, namely: team building, culture
change management, total quality management, continual improvement processes,
business process re-engineering and performance management.


Organizational development is concerned with the planning and implementation
of programmes designed to enhance the effectiveness with which an organization
functions and responds to change. Overall, the aim is to adopt a planned and


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