A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice

(Tuis.) #1

● set out the returns on investments in people management and development
projects and evaluate the effectiveness of the investments;
● draw conclusions on the implications of the data for future people management
strategy, policy and practice.

An example of internal reporting is provided by Standard Chartered Bank. A range of
processes and benchmarks has been established to measure and enhance the contri-
bution of its employees. Work on human capital measurement has enabled the bank
to understand the difference that talented and motivated employees can make to the
business. A ‘Human Capital Roadmap’ has been developed to provide a clear people
agenda. The core of the roadmap is the five areas of focus which drive business
performance that are supported by key people processes and interventions. The latter
form the framework for metrics and evaluations. These include an engagement
survey (G12) developed by the Gallop Organization covering 12 factors that
underpin a productive and stimulating place to work. Research has established a
powerful link between engagement scores and business performance.
At Nationwide regular reports are made to area managers on key drivers. These
are presented graphically on dashboards, as illustrated in Figure 2.5, enabling
the manager to identify problem areas, investigate the circumstances and initiate

50 ❚ Managing people

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