Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

Although it’s true that there are few AAA games
released for macOS, a PC Magazine report has
compiled a list of new games and how they
perform on the M1 Pro and M1 Max. They
pointed out a “big gap” between the M1 Pro
and M1 Max when running graphics-intensive
games such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider,
with the 14-inch MacBook Pro equipped with
the M1 Pro dipping below the 60fps loor that
many gamers demand, though the M1 sat at
84-frames-per-second, ideal for modern games
and their requirements. Writing for PC Magazine,
Tom Brant said that more often than not, the
new chips ofer the same or comparable power
and performance as a Windows PC. “That’s a
signiicant triumph for Mac silicon,” he added
in his write-up, “since it’s essentially the same
answer to whether or not an Nvidia or AMD
GPU in a Windows gaming laptop is good for
gaming.” One complaint he did have, however,
was that there were simply not enough games
available to play on the Mac natively. “The
hardware appears to be ready, but a critical mass
of games that can take advantage of it simply
doesn’t exist,” he said, adding that some titles are
in development.

Indeed, Mac Gamer HQ has a really useful list
of the games that are currently supported by
the new M1 chip including Asphalt, Spacebase
Startopia, Among Us, World of Warcraft, and
Pascal’s Wager: Deinitive Edition. They also
revealed how to ind out whether a game has
been optimized for M1 chips or whether it’s
using Rosetta 2 to power a game for Intel-based
machines. Find the Game in Finder, then left-
click it, click Show Info, and native M1 games will
be identiied as “Universal” (unlike Intel games

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