Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

that takes over the world. Perhaps with a hit like
that on its hands, more developers would see
the potential of macOS.

It might not be a surprise that the new M1 Max

  • which ofers enough GPU performance to
    ofer high-speed 8K video editing in Final Cut
    Pro and advanced 3D modeling and animation
    in Cinema 4D - can run graphically-intensive
    online games well. What is a surprise, though, is
    that Apple now stands neck-to-neck with some
    of the best PC gaming laptops on the market,
    and that’s running games that haven’t been
    optimized for the M1 Pro or M1 Max. They’re
    x86 games, which run on Intel Macs, running
    through the Rosetta 2 emulation layer, which
    creates additional overhead. If a developer can
    utilize the power of the M1 Pro or Max, we’ll no
    doubt see a new gaming revolution that puts
    Apple way ahead of its competitors.

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