Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

was no surprise to learn that rumors of a Series
7 featuring an all-new design were rife. Apple
had been poised to work on a Series 7 with a
square-edge display, inspired by the iPad Pro
and iMac 2021 design language, but it appears
that the Cupertino company decided to take a
diferent approach. Apple has reportedly been
plagued with production issues for this year’s
smartwatch, so much so that its release has
been delayed, but we at least know what the
model will look like and how much it will cost
ahead of release.

The new model will be sold in ive beautiful new
aluminum case inishes, along with a range of
new band colors and styles, and go on sale later
this year. Speaking at the September Event,
Jef Williams, Apple’s chief operating oicer,

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