Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

focus on health and itness, and what the iPhone
did for messaging, calling, and the internet, the
Apple Watch would do for workouts, itness,
and health. A decade later, Apple Watch is
doing exactly what he would have wanted: the
wearable has been credited with saving dozens
of lives in recent years. As Apple continues to
reine the Apple Watch and introduce even
more life-saving features, like the rumored
blood glucose monitoring feature that could
drop as soon as 2022, the Steve Jobs touch
would only have helped to speed innovations
and perhaps even allow Apple to compete with
other wearable companies. Although the Apple
Watch continues to dominate in terms of sales,
cheaper alternatives like Fitbit make wearables
more accessible, whereas premium Garmin

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