Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

With the smart home market set to reach an
eye-watering $100 billion by the end of 2021,
it’s no wonder why companies like Google
and Apple are ramping up their eforts to
create technologies that transform homes and
change the way we live. With more than 250
million smart homes around the world with a
12.2% penetration rate, there’s no going back,
and with HomeKit evolutions, Apple can help
consumers build the house of the future today.


Before we delve deeper into the new changes
coming as part of iOS 15 that will make our
homes even smarter and more convenient than
ever before, it’s worth taking a minute to think
about what the ideal home of the future could
look like. Gone are the days where we thought
clapping our hands to turn on the lights was
the height of innovation - nowadays, we are
spoilt with products and devices that save us
time, make life easier, and allow us to lead more
comfortably and less monotonous experiences.
From turning on the lights and playing music
in every room of the home to installing CCTV
cameras that can be accessed on your iPhone
and Apple TV, to ordering a grocery shop
without looking at a screen at all, there are many
things that have changed in recent years - and
the truth is, it’s only going to get better.

44% of consumers say they want to see
technology giants ofer more integrated
devices and services - with things such as
electric vehicle charging pads, windows that
automatically tint throughout the day to avoid
glares, and automatically adjusting lights that
change the amount of sunlight that can enter

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