Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 531 (2021-12-31)

(Antfer) #1

your home at the top of people’s priority list.
Other items on the wishlist of an ideal home
include door locks that can be activated
by inger scanning or using your iPhone,
windows, and doors that can be turned into
soundprooing for peace and quiet, the ability to
vary temperatures in an oven to cook multiple
items at once, and a personalized heating
system that changes and adjusts based on who’s
in the room and what they’re using it for.

Right now, one of the key driving forces behind
the growth of smart home technology is
cost savings (49 percent), as well as security
and safety (42 percent) and convenience (34
percent). But 83 percent of consumers said
that sustainability is also important to them
and they were more interested in devices that
would last and reduce the user’s environmental
impact - from recycling tips to replacing physical
CDs and radios with smart speakers. The truth
is that everyone’s vision of an ultimate smart
home is diferent; some will embrace every new
technology under the sun, whilst others will
be resistant and fearful to change. In an ideal
world, however, smart homes need to make
our lives easier without needing to learn new
technologies and design languages. To follow
Apple’s philosophy, it should just work.


Although there are thousands of manufacturers
and developers working on new technology
for the smart home, it’s giants like Google and
Apple that can make the biggest diference,
as we use our phones, tablets, and laptops to
power these new devices. As part of this year’s
WWDC, Apple has made signiicant changes

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