Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts that Help Us Improve Our Lives

(Nora) #1

than discipline. Enthusiasm is not an emotional state. It is spiritual

ing it. Then fasten your seat belt.

rowth is an erratic forward movement: two steps forward, one step back.
Remember that and be very gentle with yourself.

an artist. The
s to


The Best Way to Get Started with Julia Cameron

Over any extended period of time, being an artist requires enthusiasm more

commitment, a loving surrender to our creative process, a loving recogn
all the creativity around us.

  • In order to have a real relationship with our creativity, we must take the time
    and care to cultivate it.

  • I have said before that creativity is a spiritual issue. Any progress is made
    by leaps of faith, some small and some large.

  • I have learned, as a rule of thumb, never to ask whether you can do
    something. Say, instead, that you are do
    The most remarkable things follow.

• G

  • The grace to be a beginner is always the best prayer for
    beginner’s humility and openness lead to exploration. Exploration lead
    accomplishment. All of it begins at the beginning, with the first small and

When mind: her book, The Artist’s
Wa w .”
When I first started to read it, I had the misconception that the book, her
workshops, and her exercises were for “artists.” Artists, in my mind, were
pai e heir creativity.

Sho tl rity comes from
the ac
family. We are all
cre iv

In e t to share with you
e first three to get a sense of where she is coming from:

  1. Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy. Pure creative

I think of Julia Cameron, one thing comes to
y, hich has been described as the “seminal book on the subject of creativity

nt rs, musicians, writers, anybody whose main focus in life is t

r y into the book, it became clear that Julia Cameron’s popula
f t that she can help any of us use our creativity in dealing with our careers,
, or personal interests, regardless of our primary interest in life
at e beings.

th first chapter, Cameron outlines ten basic principles. I wan

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