Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts that Help Us Improve Our Lives

(Nora) #1


(Expert # 3)

Browne Quick Facts

Areas: Spirituality; Psychic Abilities; Dreams; Counseling
es Best-Sellers: “The Other Side and Back”; “Life on the Other Side”;
“Adventures of a Psychic”

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P : Author; Psychic; Lecturer; Teacher; Researcher
rp rate Affiliation: Sylvia Browne Corporation
rofit Affiliation: Society of Novus Spiritus

Browne Biography

and he
from a
er ho City. For many years, she shared her gift with friends
nd fam

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Browne is world renowned for her psychic talent, her counseling ability,
r research into parapsychology. She lectures, teaches, and counsels people
round the world. Sylvia manifested her psychic ability at the age of three in
h metown of Kansas
a ily and became known for helping people to see their future.

ther her research into the paranormal, Sylvia incorporated The Nirvana
ation for Psychic Research, a professional, legally sanctioned, non-profit
zation, which is now known as Society of Novus Spiritus. Since then,
has helped thousands of people gain control of their lives. She has written
num r of books, including New York Times best-sellers like Th

Sylvia’s philosophy of life is based upon research into past lives via hypnosis and
through the information obtained via her deep trance channeling ability. From
thousands of hypnotic regressions and hundreds of trance sessions, the fact of
reincarnation was established as the key to understanding life. Sylvia accepts
reincarnation as a central theme in her philosophy, yet this belief is never forced
upon anyone who does not want to hear it.

Riklan’s favorite Sylvia Browne Quotes and Thoughts

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The Odyssey you are about to embark upon is probably the most glorious
journey you will ever take. It is a spiritual banquet of knowledge that f
the soul with realization and truth.
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