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D la Lama Quick Facts

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in Areas: Peace; Happiness; Spirituality; Buddhist Philosophy
es Best-Sellers: “The Art of Happiness”; “Ethics for the New
: Author; Spiritual Leader

D Lama Biography

alai Lama is a spiritual and te
he D mporal leader of the Tibetan people, known
th Dalai Lama, and an incarnation of
valo as are the

1 5 ll political power after Tibet was invaded by
e Pe
Sin -T
sylum lowed him into exile. The Dalai

he D sulting
n t re respect
e West, he has received
ce Prize, and honorary


w ide as a tireless worker for peace. Born Lhamo Dhondrub to a peasant
ily in 1935, he was recognized at age two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition,
as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13
A kitesvara, the Buddha of Compassion. The Dalai Lam
m nifestations of the Buddha of Compassion.


9 0, the Dalai Lama assumed fu
ople’s Liberation Army. He sought to bring about a peaceful solution to
o ibetan conflict. After a national Tibetan uprising, which was crushed by the
se army, the Dalai Lama escaped to India, where he was given political
a. Tens of thousands of Tibetan refugees fol
L saw that he needed to save the Tibetan exiles and their culture alike.

T alai Lama appealed to the United Nations on the question of Tibet, re
i h e resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, calling on China to
the human rights of Tibetans. Since his first visit to th
numerous peace awards, including the 1989 Nobel Pea
doctorate degrees for his writings on Buddhist philosophy and his leadership in th
solution of international conflicts and global environmental problems.

David Riklan’s favorite Dalai Lama Quotes and Thoughts

  • In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.

  • Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

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