Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts that Help Us Improve Our Lives

(Nora) #1

  • The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate but in what you
    ive away.

le, worthwhile human being—not because anybody

nd for no other reason.

ut—because that’s
what comes out is what is inside.

  • Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what
    es without any insistence that they satisfy you.

ike the person you’re alone with.

  • Your children will see what you’re all about by what you live rather than

  • I will grow. I will become something new and grand but no grander than I
    now am. Just as the sky will be different in a few hours, its present
    perfection and completeness is not deficient, so am I presently perfect and
    not deficient because I will be different tomorrow. I will grow and I am n

  • Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

  • Did you ever notice how difficult it is to argue with someone who is not
    obsessed with being right?

  • People who want the most approval get the least, and people who need
    approval the least get the most.


  • You are always a valuab
    says so, not because you’re successful, not because you make a lot of
    money—but because you decide to believe it a

  • When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes o
    what’s inside. When you are squeezed,

they choose for themselv

  • You cannot be lonely if you l

what you say.

The Best Way to Get Started with Wayne Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer is a legend in the Self Improvement arena and has touched
illions of lives. His blockbuster book, Your Erroneous Zones, first published in
1976, is still hugely popular and what I believe to be the best place to start. This
best-seller provides a truly profound message—avoid the trap of negative thinking
and self-rejection and focus on authentic self-acceptance.


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