New Scientist - USA - 01.01.2022

(EriveltonMoraes) #1
1 January 2022 | New Scientist | 11

Preview of 2022

Controversy over the first drug designed to
treat the cause of Alzheimer’s will continue,
reports Clare Wilson


XPECT to see debate over a new
medicine to treat Alzheimer’s
disease, called aducanumab,
continue into 2022. Approved in
the US last June, it is the first drug
designed to treat a possible cause
of this form of dementia, rather
than the symptoms.
Aducanumab targets beta-amyloid,
a protein that makes up plaques in
the brain often seen in people with
Alzheimer’s disease. But the drug has
its critics as well as its cheerleaders.
It hasn’t so far been proven to reduce
memory loss and confusion, the chief
symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
Other commonly used medicines
slightly alleviate these symptoms,
but they don’t work for everyone
and their effects wear off.
The US drug regulatory body, the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
approved aducanumab for use to
combat early Alzheimer’s on the basis
that it reduces the extent of amyloid
plaques. These have long been seen
as a “biomarker” of Alzheimer’s – in
other words, a biological indicator
of disease progression or severity.
Other medicines have been
approved on the basis of biomarkers –
for instance, levels of “bad
cholesterol” are seen as a biomarker
for heart disease. But for Alzheimer’s,

it is still being debated if plaques are
a valid biomarker.
There is growing concern that they
may not be a cause but something
more like a side effect of the disease
process. Targeting the plaques is
“reasonably likely to have a clinical
effect”, says Susan Kohlhaas at
Alzheimer’s Research UK. “But
that’s still to be tested.”
When the FDA approved
aducanumab, it went against the
recommendations of its scientific
advisory panel, which it usually
follows – none of the 11 members
considered it ready for approval and
three members resigned in protest.
The agency’s acting commissioner
has since asked for an investigation to
take place into the approval process.
The drug’s maker, Biogen, told
New Scientist: “The approval of
aducanumab by the FDA came after
an extensive development, clinical
testing and regulatory review process,
supported by data of more than

3000 patients who participated
in our trials.”
One clinical trial showed that
about 40 per cent of people on the
drug experienced brain swelling
or bleeding visible on a scan.
The FDA has said aducanumab
should now be tested in a larger
clinical trial, but in practice these
can take many years to produce
results. Few people may want to be
in a placebo-controlled trial and risk
taking dummy pills after the drug
has been approved.
On 17 December, the European
Medicines Agency decided not
to approve aducanumab. It is
also under review by the UK’s
Medicines and Healthcare products
Regulatory Agency.
If the drug is approved in the UK,
it would need to be assessed to decide
whether it is cost-effective for use by
the national health services. In the US,
it is priced at $56,000 a year.
“We have to make sure that we
leave no stone unturned in our
search for life-changing treatments,”
says Kohlhaas. “It’s important to
respect the regulatory process that
happens in the UK and elsewhere.
We also need to make sure that our
treatments are evaluated for safety
and effectiveness.” ❚

A participant
in a clinical trial
for aducanumab



drug debate












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