New Scientist - USA - 01.01.2022

(EriveltonMoraes) #1
12 | New Scientist | 1 January 2022

Preview of 2022

THE Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN near Geneva,
Switzerland, will start running
again after a three-year
shutdown and delays due to the
covid-19 pandemic. The particle
collider – known for its role in
the discovery of the Higgs boson,
which gives mass to all other
fundamental particles – will
return in 2022 with upgrades
that give it a power boost.
Work has been under way to
conduct tests on the collider and
calibrate new equipment. Now, it
is gearing up for experiments that
could give physicists the data
needed to expand the standard
model, our best description of
how particles and forces interact.
Phil Allport at the University
of Birmingham in the UK says
the upgrades could allow new
measurements that give us
insight into the way the Higgs
boson decays, leading to a
better understanding of how
it fits into the standard model.

“These measurements
shed light on what’s happening
at the highest energies that we
can reach, which tells us about
phenomena in the very early
universe,” he says. They will
also allow us to test ideas
that try to account for things
that aren’t fully described by
the standard model, he says.
This includes mysteries that
have plagued physicists for
decades, such as the so-called
hierarchy problem, which deals
with the vast discrepancy
between the mass of the Higgs
and those of other fundamental
particles, plus dark energy and
dark matter, the unexplained
phenomena that make up most
of the universe.
“All of these things require
extensions to the standard
model of particle physics to
accommodate, and all of those
theories make predictions. And
the best place to look to test
those predictions is usually in

the highest energies achievable,”
says Allport. He says the LHC
upgrades also pave the way to
entirely new observations that
signal a departure from the
standard model.
Part of the upgrade work
has been to increase the power
of the injectors that supply
highly accelerated particle
beams to the collider. Prior
to the last shutdown in 2018,
protons could reach an energy
of 6.5 teraelectronvolts, but the
upgrades mean this can now be
pushed to 6.8 teraelectronvolts.
Rende Steerenberg at CERN
says that these more powerful
beams will cause collisions at
higher energies than ever before,
and other upgrades in the future
will also allow more particles
to be collided at the same time.
There are already plans for
further improvements in 2024,
which will narrow the LHC’s
beams and drastically increase
the number of collisions that
take place. The 2018 run saw
around 40 collisions every time
a pulse of protons passed each
other, but upgrades will push this
to between 120 to 250. At that
point, the LHC will take on a new
name, the High Luminosity Large
Hadron Collider, and it should
begin experiments in 2028.
There are still many tests to be
run before the power of the new
components can be unleashed.
Scientists at CERN hope to finish
these by late February and then
slowly ramp up to a small number
of full-power collisions in May.
The frequency of these collisions
will be increased in June, which
is when Steerenberg says
“meaningful” physics will begin.  ❚
Matthew Sparkes

The Large Hadron Collider

comes back online


The Large Hadron Collider
has been shut down for
upgrades since 2018

Particle physics


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