Realism and World Politics

(Nora) #1

90 Ole Wæver, ‘Measuring debateness and mapping frontiers – great debates in IR,
1947–2009’, paper for ISA, February 2010.
91 In the 1980s–90s the dominant mainstream used neither Waltz’s kind of theory, nor
explicit correlation logic, but rational choice modelling – and could thereby partly
accommodate and simultaneously stay more positivist than Waltz. Even this is now
increasingly replaced (again) by large-n data studies and middle-range theory, a further
decline of theory. The position of theorists of all stripes is weakened in mainstream
journals and departments.
92 Fearon and Wendt, ‘Rationalism vs. constructivism’.
93 Kenneth N. Waltz, ‘Introduction’ in Realism and International Politics(London: Routledge,
2008), pp. vii–xiv; quoting from p. vii.

88 Waltz’s theory of theory

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