Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 308 BuoniCattolici

The reconciled were now fully restored to the bosom of the church. All

present recited the Confiteor in preparation for the Mass, at which Hosts

would be consecrated for use over the next three days. There would be no

general Communion this day. And no other Mass would be celebrated from

now until the Easter vigil on Holy Saturday. Only at the morning Mass of

Easter Sunday would the reconciled take their place beside their neighbors

at Communion, receiving again their ‘‘rights’’ as Catholics and citizens of

the commune.^230

  1. But in Volterra, they received with the newly baptized at the vigil:Ordo Officiorum della cattedrale
    [volterrana], 120 – 21.

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