Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Resurrection andRenewal 341 

if so, was the practice common? One fourteenth-century pamphlet bound

into a miscellany that once belonged to the Bolognese pope Benedict XIV

suggests that, at least occasionally, godparents used such aids.^209 The pam-

phlet, entitledCatacumina,was composed by a godfather for future use by his

godson. The man had a little theological training; perhaps he was a lawyer.

The work consists of a treatise in the vernacular on the Nicene Creed, that

sung at Mass. He introduces his work in this way: ‘‘It is written in theDecre-

tum,De Cons. D. 4 c. 105 , that the godparent, that is, he who receives an-

other at baptism, is bound to explain the faith to the one baptized. And since

you, my son, were not baptized by people who are going to teach you much,

and I perhaps will not be around at the time when you are ready, you may

confirm yourself in the faith into which you were baptized by reading this

‘Catacumina,’ that is, explanation of the faith.’’^210 This godparent was not

only mindful of his duties, he was well informed. He quoted suitable scrip-

tural authorities for his propositions and elaborated his points by citing Gra-

tian, Thomas Aquinas, and Augustine. For example, of the Creed article

‘‘and in one holy catholic and apostolic Church’’ he writes: ‘‘The Catholic

Church is the whole of all faithful Christians. Holy Scripture says that the

apostles and disciples and those who believed in Christ were of one heart,

one soul, and one will.’’^211 The quotation from Acts 5 : 32 may not be letter

perfect, but the author’s point was clear. Were there many other careful and

learned lay catechists? Perhaps not in the early 1200 s. But they certainly

became more common as the communal period drew to its close and literacy


  1. Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria,ms 158(xivcent.), fols. 47 v– 50 v.

  2. Ibid., fol. 47 v: ‘‘Scrivesi nel Decreto de Consecratione, distinctione quarta, capitoloVos ante omnia
    et cetera, che el santolo cioe colui che tene altri a baptismo e tenuto a mostare al baptismato la fede. Et
    perche tu figliuolo no se baptizato da persone intendenti che ti sapesseno de rozare e forse io non siro al
    tempo che tu asai intendimento perfetto. Acio che tu legendo ti confirmi in fede, ne la quale tu se batizato
    leggi questa Catacumina, cioe digrossatione de fede.’’

  3. Ibid., fol. 50 v: ‘‘La catholica chiesa e la universita dei fedeli cristiani. Dice la sancta scriptura che
    degli apostoli discipuli e da quelli che in Cristo credero era una core e una anima e uno desiderio.’’

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