Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 482 Index

bowing, 346
Boy Bishop, Feast of the, 277
Brancoli (LU), pievi of St. Giorgio, 34 ,figs. 28 , 50
bread. See alsoeulogia
devotional use, 199 , 210
penitents oversee, 94
Brendan, St., 363 ,fig. 56
baptistery, 29
carroccio, 22 , 125
cathedral, 19 , 22 , 121
feast of the Assumption, 167 , 169 , 279
funerals, 399
Humiliati, 95
lay penitents, 101 – 2
Popolo, 130
saints, local, 274 , 430
brides, 145 – 47
Brothers of the Sack, 420
burial, 408 – 12 , 445
business and holiness, 191 – 93 .See alsotrades

Cacciaguida, ancestor of Dante, 27 , 311
calendar, liturgical, 8 , 160 , 273 , 359
civic use of, 121 , 135
Mass and, 245
mobile feasts, 314
private devotions and, 367
calumny oath, 82
Campaldino, Battle of ( 1289 ), 109 , 280
campanilismo, 15 , 216
Camposanto of Pisa (cemetery), 410
candle offering, 160 – 74 .See alsocandles
by confraternities, 73 , 90
by corporations, 131 – 35
by lay penitents, 87
to saints, 120 , 117 , 174 , 213 – 14
to Virgin Mary, 166 – 74
Candlemas, 90 , 160 – 61 , 337 , 355
candles.See alsoCandlemas; candle offering
at deathbed, 391 – 93
Easter season, 334 – 35
at funerals, 397 – 405
Holy Week, 321 , 327 – 28
liturgical use, 259 , 265
miracles related to, 382
political implications, 169 – 71
private devotional use, 161 , 264
production and quality, 164 , 215 , 237
at saints’ shrines, 202 , 212 – 15 , 249
canon law
on catechesis, 337
communes and, 138
lay knowledge of, 144
on liturgy, 16
on marriage, 142 – 46

on parishes, 38
on penitents, 75 , 78 , 295
on preaching, 335
on sacraments, 286 , 392
canonization, 180 , 182 , 200 – 206 .See also individual
canons, cathedral, 26 , 47 , 105
canons, regular, 41 n. 155 , 153
canons, secular, 411
capital punishment, 139
capital sins, seven, 193 n. 90 , 289 – 92 .See alsocon-
Easter rites and, 326
religious instruction and, 337 , 340 , 363 , 376
Cappella del Voto (Siena), 111 , 159
cappelle(urban parishes), 33 – 44
bells, 175
in cathedral, 23
cemeteries, 409
city corporations and, 129 – 30 , 133 – 35
definition, 235
processions, 149 – 50
secular use of, 125
staffing and priests, 44 – 51
Utriusque Sexusand, 297
cardinals, reception of, 158
Carmelites, 89 , 176 , 420 – 22
Carnival, 198 , 282 – 83
carroccio, 125 – 27
religious dimensions, 118 , 136
storage place, 22 , 27 , 125
votive offering at Siena, 111 – 12 ,fig. 37
Cassian, St., 109 , 153 , 173
Castelfiorentino, 199 , 306
Castro Bassano, Battle of ( 1247 ), 162
casuistry and confession, 290 .See alsoconfessional
catechesis, 273 , 335 – 42
catechumens, 314 – 26
Cathars and Catharism.See alsoheresy
attitudes toward, 136 , 139 , 198 , 455
at Bologna, 419 , 431 – 32 , 440
origins and development, 428 , 437
views of Catholicism, 249 , 263 , 295 , 351
cathedrals, 15 – 26 , 313 – 14 .See also individual cities
Christmas rites at, 276 – 77
civil rituals at, 159 , 169 – 71
Easter rites at, 318 – 29 , 330 – 33
funerals, 404
Lenten rites, 314 – 18
liturgical role, 31 – 32 , 150 , 175 , 235 , 259 , 309
relation to commune, 22 – 27 , 121 – 23 , 136 , 139
relation to diocese, 33 – 36 , 150
staffing, 46 – 48
titular saints, 112 – 13
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