Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 483 

cathedral canons.Seecanons, cathedral
Catherine of Alexandria, St., 88 , 273 , 358
Catherine of Siena, St., 142
Celestine I, St., pope, 117
Celestine II, pope, 302
celibacy, lay, 70 , 80
cemeteries, 398 , 408 – 11
Cesarius of Arles, St., 392
Cesena, 70 , 182 , 197
Chair of St. Peter, feast of the, 113
chalices, 265
chant, 247 , 258 .See alsoprayers, hymns, and litur-
gical texts
chapels, urban. Seecappelle
chaplains, military, 249
chaplains, private, 75 , 79
chapter of faults, 92
charity and charities.See alsoalmsgiving
communal, 138 , 422 – 23
episcopal, 45
feast days and, 275
lay holiness and, 181 , 190 – 98
penitents and, 72 , 85 , 87 , 89 – 90 , 94
Charles I, of Anjou, king of Sicily, 96
Charles the Fat, emperor, 42
Chartres, Council of, 141
children.See alsobaptism
education, 241
processions, 153
religious life, 248 , 277 , 351
vow of habit, 213 ,fig. 47
choir (section of church), 24 – 25 , 237
Chrism Mass, 321 – 22
bishop and, 47
the creche, St. Francis and, 39 ,fig. 30
general communion, 85 , 257 , 267 , 270 , 295 , 357
laudesi and, 90
liturgy, 240 , 246 , 273 – 77
Christopher, St., 122
church (building), 236 – 39
burial in, 411
commune and, 19 , 137
construction, 23 – 25 , 37 – 40 , 420 – 21
devotional visits, 344 – 45 , 355
entering, 255 , 346 – 48
liturgy in, 259 – 60
secular use, 24 , 120
‘‘churching of women,’’ 39 , 160
citizenship, 311 ,fig. 27
civic religion, 11
Clare of Assisi, St., 98 , 347
Claudius Mamertus of Vienne, St., 152
clergy and clerics, 44 – 51 .See alsopriests; deacons;
anticlericalism, 244 , 249 , 264

confraternities, 48 – 51 , 151
criminal, 107
devotional books of, 360
financial obligations, 138 , 236
funerals and burials of, 396 , 400 , 403 – 4 , 406 ,
processions, 150 – 53
saints’ cults, 205
suffrages for dead, 416
views of laity, 244 , 357
clothing, women’s, 142
clothing with habit, 83 , 213
Cluny, 15
collegiate churches, 34 , 36 , 40 – 42 , 149
liturgy and staffing, 246 , 248 , 259
Cologne, 46
colors, religious significance of, 82 , 349 , 413
columns, use in shrines, 208 , 211 ,fig. 45
commendation of the dead, 412
communes, 15 – 52 , 103 – 40
baptism, 311 , 314 , 327
candle offerings, 163 – 69
canonizations, role in, 200 – 205
corporations, 124 – 25 , 128 – 30
ideals of holiness, 193 – 200
lay penitents and, 79 , 94 – 95
legislation, religious, 136 – 40 , 144 , 163 , 388 ,
397 – 98
patron saints, 108 , 112 , 119 – 20 , 126 , 132
repression of heresy, 428 , 440
scholarship on, 3 , 8 , 103 – 4
‘‘Common Prayer of the Faithful.’’Seebidding
Communion, Holy, 260 – 71 .See alsoviaticum
confession and, 295 – 96
of dying, 390 – 92
Easter duty, 333
frequency, 85 , 267
general communions, 254 , 257 , 266 , 270
of heretics, 441
of infants, 331 , 333 n. 154
lay devotion to, 264 – 67
the ordeal and, 128
prayers at, 257
preparation for, 268 – 70
social aspects of, 270 – 71
Como, 29
Compline, 241 , 287
penitents and, 76 , 344 , 353
Salve Procession after, 427
concubinage, clerical, 49
confession (sacrament), 285 – 98 .See alsoConfiteor;
public penance;Utriusque Sexus
aids to, 372 – 73
catechesis and, 339
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